Welcome to the website of the
Atlantic Poultry Research Institute!

The poultry industry is one of the most dynamic of all the livestock industries in modern agriculture. As the industry changes, so too must the scope and focus of poultry research. Research conducted and supported by industry, government and educational institutions have contributed to the incredible changes to the poultry industry over the years. Attitudes and preferences of consumers have been very influential on the changes to the industry and therefore have also influenced the focus and scope of poultry research in Canada.

Because of the regional differences in how poultry is raised in Atlantic Canada compared to the rest of North America, specific research priorities for the Atlantic poultry industry have been established. The Atlantic Poultry Research Institute (APRI) was formed in 1988 to address the concerns of the poultry industry in the Atlantic region by conducting poultry research and training poultry personnel. APRI represents all sectors of the Atlantic poultry industry, including egg, chicken, turkey, hatchery, hatching egg, processing, and feed manufacturing. For the egg, chicken, turkey and hatchery sectors, research priority lists are updated each year by the Atlantic Poultry Industry.

APRI is an Atlantic-wide institute that is supported financially by the grass root sectors of the poultry industry. These funds are leveraged to secure additional research dollars to address applied research needs as prioritized by the commodity boards of Atlantic Canada.
Yvonne Thyssen-Post, P.Ag.