A History of Poultry Science in Atlantic Canada
The Situation in 1971
• Agriculture Canada operated a performance evaluation (field test) of experimental Leghorn lines.
• A “Drying Shed” was constructed in 1973 to evaluate the potential of “Pasteurized Organic Protein” (Investigator Ted Selfton).
• Initiation of a program to develop Al techniques as well as Al for caged broiler breeders.
• Introduction of dwarf female breeders – feasibility of Al, fertility, egg production and livability (Investigators Don Crober and Ted Selfton)
• Extensive evaluation of different technical variables on fertility and duration of fertility, ie. Frequency of insemination, semen dosage and semen quality (Investigator Don Crober).
• Ottawa Production and Marketing breeding program closed. Layers at Nova Scotia Agricultural College replaced by lines developed by the Animal Research Center in Ottawa.
• Line comparison studies on the interaction between cage formats and layer management variables, ie. Beak trimming, dubbing.
• Evaluation of different methods of force-molting cage layers (Investigators Don Cober and Rob Ethches).
• Research to evaluate ceiling fans to increase efficiency of floor brooding. Research conducted on campus as well as a commercial pullet growing facility (Investigators Don Crober, Joe Ruet, and Dave Browning)
• Computerized environmental control system developed for Poultry ll as a prototype for commercial application (Investigators Don Crober and Bill Grundy). Commercial Focus added through the addition of Jim Shand. Tests conducted by new private company on commercial barns in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Ontario. Systems sold in Canada and US.
• Nutrition-related collaborative research by Don Crober and Derek Anderson, ie. Canola meal, poultry by-product meal, crab meal, and cereal grains.
• The Atlantic Poultry Research Institute (APRI) was established through collaboration between the poultry industry of Atlantic Canada and regional, provincial and federal institutions involved in poultry research.
• Nutrition- related collaborative research by Derek Anderson and Janice MacIsaac focused primarily on nutritional evaluation of feed stuffs.
• In 1995, AAFC poultry research in the Atlantic region was transferred to the NSAC site with the initiative to combine research strengths of both AAFC and NSAC.
• From 1995 to present, AAFC poultry scientists, Robert Hamilton, Fred Silversides, and Bruce Rathgeber have conducted research at the NSAC facility.
• On June 1, 2012, the Government of Nova Scotia, Department of Agriculture, and Dalhousie University confirmed the agreement to merge Nova Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) with Dalhousie University.